Our Coaches

Terri Bewley

Terri Bewley is a PPR-USA  Pickleball Certified Coach. She is very patient and excited to help all who want to either learn the sport or improve their game. She is a good communicator with all age groups and specializes in instructing beginners, novices, and low-intermediate players. She is an instructor at the Vistancia Village and offers lessons at Paloma Park, Vistancia Village, Surprise and Liberty Park.

Terri can be reached at:

 661-644-0014 or emailed at terri_bewley@yahoo.com 

Patrick Cote

Patrick Cote is a PCI certified coach with 30 years of professional coaching experience, including 3 years in Pickleball and 25 years in Tennis. He also had college scholarships for tennis and badminton. Playing at the highest level on the Pickleball Pro Tour for 2 years, he had an impressive 70% match winning average.  Patrick specializes in coaching intermediate to advanced players, but also teaches critical understanding of exact strategies and execution for players on any level. This allows players to make great improvements quickly. Patrick is the Club Instructor for  Blackstone Country Club.

Patrick can be reached at:

319-440-0345 or emailed at pcote112233@gmail.com

 John Solema

John Solema is a PPR-USA Pickleball Certified Coach and has been involved with athletics for most of his life.  He brings a strong knowledge of the game and a solid approach to foundational mechanics. He has trained students between the ages of 4 & 67 in a fun & exciting atmosphere. John’s goal is to continue growing with the sport while helping others gain improvements. John is the Pickleball Pro at LifeTime Peoria and he does lessons in both public & private courts in Surprise & Peoria. 

John can be reached at: 

848-702-0024 or emailed at jrspickleball@gmail.com